Today, all stakeholder groups have adopted or have the ability to adopt proven products and services that make flexibility an operational reality.
While the industry has worked hard over the past 25 years to achieve Efficient Buildings, the challenge in this era is making those buildings become Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings, or simply known as GEBs.
Heating and Air Conditioning
The human body operates optimally in 70-degree air with 45% humidity; however, this condition is not always needed or warranted.
We can now use smart logic (known as algorithms) to assist us in managing our building temperature.
Energy Storage
A battery is a sink/source device.
Which means this asset can store energy and then discharge energy. While highly beneficial to providing resiliency to oneself, these assets can also provide your neighbors' and grid operators relief if needed.
Electric Vehicles
Five out of the World's Top 10 automakers have already announced commitments to produce a suite of fully electric vehicles by 2035.
While range anxiety still exists the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts one-in-four cars will be an electric vehicle by 2035.
Energy Generation
Through committed subsidies, public policy, and technology advancements, today it is possible to cost-effectively purchase a system that can generate energy (on-premise) or in other words at your residence or place of business.
The Features and Benefits
Set your preference, earn profit
Asset Flexibility
The four device-types above, and others, are all considered flexible assets. This means they can delay, be scheduled or quickly start and stop their operations. Using telecommunications technologies these assets can align operations when it is most advantageous for both the owner and grid operator.
Short-run NEEDS
Market conditions and Life-in-general have an interesting way of not sticking to a script. Change is the the only parameter that is constant. While we all attempt to learn and predict these changes, it is the capability to manage them that makes or breaks us. In TE, software is used to minimize this behavior for our energy devices and allows us to focus on what is really important, our time!
Earning Potential
In Transactive Energy, owner's of these assets set their operating preference for when they are in the facility or away from the facitlity to either maximize their return on investment, or operate at the lowest cost possible.
Speeds Clean-ENergy Adoption
By mechanizing an equitable market framework, proper incentivizes are created to speed the invest of other clean-energy products and services allowing 100% decarbonization goals be realized faster.
END-USER frequently asked questions
Can I engage in Transactive Energy without having battery storage, electric vehicles or load devices (e.g. heat pumps)?Yes, any device can be connected (or interfaced) to software that is used to turn on or off the asset, allowing that device to participate in TE (this includes retro-fitting older assets).
Once informed and agree to use the Transactive Energy Tariff for settlement of service, what happens next?The local utility, or its Transactive Energy specialist, creates your (hedge) or better known as the tailored subscription profile. Then, conducts an assessment to garner additional information on the devices you want to interface to the Utility's TE server. Finally, you enter into a contract with a 3rd-party service provider to interface your devices and operate them based on your prefences.
Do I experience a higher energy bill?No, with the caveat, unless you need more energy. The subscription, because it is based on your historical (or predicted) use it meets 95-100% of your operating needs for every hour, however, if you need more you are allowed to purchase more, if you subscribed to too much you are allowed to sell back. Typically, people save on cost, because they optimize usage once exposed to the transparent cost signal (Tender).
Who selects the 3rd-party service providers?This is either an organic process, where you can "bring-your-own-SP", or the local Utility selects them based on a competitive solicitation process. Regardless, each SP has unique service level agreement (SLA) terms that work for the benefit of you, the Asset Owner.